SIBO 101: Common Bloat Cause
If you've done some googling about bloating, causes, and how to get rid of it, you may have come across the condition SIBO, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. Maybe you've already self-diagnosed thanks to Dr. Google.
I want to give you an overview of what SIBO is and how to fix it today.
One of the main symptoms of SIBO is bloating. When bacteria, that predominantly live in the large intestines (aka colon that makes a circle around your abdomen) climb upwards into the small intestines, those bacteria can produce excess gas that makes you look and feel 6 months pregnant.
Here are some other symptoms of SIBO:
Bloating after only drinking water or waking up in the AM
Sensitive to foods like onion and garlic (these are high in FODMAPs)
Gas and burping
Constipation and/or diarrhea
Brain fog
Acne, rosacea, eczema
SIBO can happen when: 1. bacteria don't get killed in the upper GI tract or 2. slowed GI motility and allowing things to sit around. Potential causes include:
low stomach acid (we need stomach acid to kill bacteria)
stress (can cause low stomach acid & dyregulated motility)
constipation (things sitting around can allow overgrowth)
under-eating & nutrient deficiencies
poor liver/gallbladder function
poor thyroid function (can lead to low stomach acid and poor motility)
Traditional SIBO treatment:
1-2 antibiotics to kill bacteria
They may also recommend a low FOMDAP diet, because FODMAPs, types of carbs that can be fermented by bacteria can contribute to gas production.
Many of my SIBO clients have come to me after doing 1-2 rounds of antibiotics. For some the antibiotics help, but once they stop symptoms immediately return. For others, the antibiotics have no impact.
I also don't recommend the low fodmap diet many people tell me they see no difference following it. Plus, research has shown that a long-term low fodmap diet decreased microbiome diversity (this is a bad thing!).
Here's why antibiotics and low-fodmap diet don't usually work long-term: they don't fix whatever is allowing the bacteria to grow in the first place, the underlying cause.
Here's my SIBO approach:
Identify YOUR potential underlying causes
Support stomach acid (make sure we're killing bacteria)
Correct nutrient deficiencies
Add liver support as needed
Targeted antimicrobials to kill bacteria
Targeted prebiotics and probiotics
All of my SIBO clients have a slightly different plan because it's based on their root causes.
And because we're addressing the cause, and not just band-aiding their symptoms, their results are much more long-lasting than traditional routes of bombing the gut with antibiotics.
I will add, that sometimes antibiotics are helpful and effective, however, it's still important to address the underlying cause.
Want to figure out the cause of your bloat (whether it's SIBO or something else) & get customized diet, lifestyle, and supplement plan to fix it? APPLY NOW to get a poop test and plan to fix your bloat