How to fix constipation

Here’s some of my go-to tips for both long-term and short-term constipation relief!

Quick constipation support: 

  • Boost magnesium citrate. Slowly increase the dose daily until having a BM.

  • Drink a LARGE glass of very warm lemon water first thing in the AM then wall sit

  • ILU abdominal massage: 10 strokes for each letter 

  • Do 3-5 minutes of deep belly breathing (use belly breathing when on the toilet)

  • Drink mineral mocktails (free guide with recipes here) and focus on boosting potassium with things like aloe vera juice, prune juice, coconut water

  • Smooth move tea which includes some mucilaginous herbs that can help lubricate the GI tract (not to be used long-term)

Deeper constipation relief… 

  • Eat enough food (gotta eat enough to bulk the stool)

  • Adequate fiber (can be a double edged sword)

  • Daily mineral mocktails

  • Manage stress and address emotional trauma if needed

  • Address gut imbalances especially… (stool testing is essential for figuring out what needs to be addressed)

    • SIBO

    • H. pylori

    • overgrowth of methanogen bacteria

    • Candida

  • Vagus nerve stimulation to activate your migrating motor complex (motility)

  • Support liver detoxification and bile function

  • Optimize digestion: stomach acid, enzymes, bile

  • Avoid grazing/snacking and space meals and snacks out 3-4 hours

  • Address hypothyroidism

  • Avoid sitting for long stretches. Get walks in daily, even if short!

Wanna see me walk through exactly how we fix one client's bloating and constipation within weeks? 

Watch this free 10 minute video to learn what we found on her poop test and how we got her to bloat-free!


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