3 Ways to Support your Gut Today
Stop wasting time and money on green juices, random supplements, and restrictive diets. A more fruitful and long-lasting path requires focusing on the small daily habits that are going to support your gut
When I work with clients we set a foundation of diet, stress, habits, sleep and more then we build on top of that foundation with specific gut protocols and targeted supplements, depending on your stool test and symptoms.
Here are 3 habits that you can start doing to support your gut daily:
Eat probiotic foods to support your gut microbiome. Include foods like yogurt, kimchi, sauerkraut, fermented pickles (not pickles off the shelf), kefir (love this in smoothies or add a splash of 100% juice and drink!).
Chew your food to applesauce consistency. This helps break your food down into more digestible bits and ensures that it gets exposed to enzymes in your mouth and stomach. If you see food in your stool regularly you need to work on chewing!
Go on a walk after a meal. This helps gently stimulate digestion and motility, ensuring that things keep moving through your gut. Plus walking after a meal helps reduce blood sugar levels. Sitting all day long isn’t helping our digestion unfortunately.
I always recommend starting with 1 new habit then adding more as you go. Choose just one to start with!
I hope this helps. If you’re exhausted after months or years of dealing with digestive issues and ready to get your life and energy back, apply to work 1:1 here! We use stool testing and a whole-body approach to get you back to feeling your best.